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8/18/20241 min read

Liv­ing Faith­ful­ly

Sept. 20, Harald Seidel (CEO of DAF Trucks) speaks about shaping your faith in your daily life.

Life of faith

Harald Seidel (1967) is well known as CEO of DAF Trucks. 
Little known is that he is a parishioner associated with the Eindhoven parish of St. George. 


In that capacity, he will speak Friday evening, Sept. 20, at the monthly Open Evening at Sint Jorislaan 51 in Eindhoven. 

Theme: ´How do you give form to your faith in your daily life?´ 
Harald Seidel will discuss work-life balance, making time for prayer and how he tries to give practical shape to his faith in practice.
His presentation starts at 8:00 p.m. (walk-in with coffee and tea from 7:45 p.m.). 
There will be an opportunity to ask questions and continue talking with each other afterward until 10:00 p.m. with snacks and drinks. 
Access is free.

Photo: Supplied by Harald Seidel

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Sint Jorislaan 51,

5614 AA Eindhoven

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