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Singing in the liturgy

On weekends, the liturgy involves singing. Singing has an important place in the liturgy: to sing well is to pray twice said saint Augustine (+ 430). This is also to say that a church choir has an incredibly important task in the liturgy to allow everyone present to sing along. 


Each church location has its own church choir and provides the liturgical singing of the particular Sunday several times a month. They also sing - if possible - at funeral liturgies.


In the Joris Church, three choral formations sing. The mixed "Joris Choir" sings Dutch and sometimes Latin liturgical hymns. The Music Group sings mostly new songs.


In the Catharina Church there is a Gregorian schola and sings on the first Sunday of the month. On the third Sunday of the month, the cantors also sings polyphonic chants. The other Sundays, cantores (one or two singers) sing in the liturgy.


There are two more choirs in the Lambertus Church: the MM Choir and the Michaël Choir. They sing alternately on Sundays.


In the Martinus Church there is one more choir, Cantemus, and also sings - if enough singers - at funerals.


In Trudo Church, the Strijps Church Choir, a mixed choir for polyphonic and Dutch chants, sings twice a month.


In all church locations, new singers are welcome! Just sign up on a Sunday with the appropriate conductor or choir director. You can also send an e-mail to the church district center of the church location where you are from regarding the particular choir you would like to receive more info about. Then further contact will be made shortly.


    Pastoral Center

    Sint Jorislaan 51,

    5614 AA Eindhoven

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