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Sacrament of penance and reconciliation

The gospel gives Christ the apostles authority to forgive sins. In John's gospel we read, "Receive the Holy Spirit. To whom you forgive sins they are forgiven, and to whom you do not forgive them they are not forgiven." (John 20:22-23)".



Every person who dares to be self-critical realizes that he or she - even toward God, neighbor and so toward himself - falls short. It is the first step of truly spiritual growth. Throughout the Bible (i.e. Old and New Testaments) we find among the People of God, to a greater or lesser degree, an awareness of their own sinfulness. So the realization that something has been damaged in their relationship with God and neighbor through their own actions. In the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, we come back to God with that reality and from the attitude that we really want to do better. God meets us and tells us forgiveness and peace, He restores in us what was damaged.

From Monday to Thursday, a priest is present in St. George's Church between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., whom you can talk to. He is in the church during the daily adoration of Christ in the deferred sacrament on the altar. Then - without registration - there is an opportunity to receive the sacrament. Of course, you can also make an appointment with one of the priests on the team. You can call the Pastoral Center, or send an email to the relevant priest.


    Pastoral Center

    Sint Jorislaan 51,

    5614 AA Eindhoven

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