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Financial matters and an overview of fees

Church contribution

The parish depends financially to a very large extent on the contributions of the parishioners.
The maintenance of the churches, the pastoral center and the church district centers, the heating, the personnel costs and the costs for the liturgy and the pastorate.
It all has to be paid for. For this we desperately need your support.
A fixed rate does not exist in principle. A rule of thumb is 1% of the net income per year.


Automatic payment or payment by direct debit are the easiest ways to pay.

You never forget to pay and if you do not agree with the payment, you can have the amount (within 30 days) reversed.
You can always revoke the direct debit or authorization.
You can use the form Church Contribution download it here.
Fill it out (don't forget to put your signature underneath) and mail the form to:
You can also send the form by mail to: pastoral center Sint Joris, St. Jorislaan 51, 561414. Jorislaan 51, 5614 AA in Eindhoven



Periodic Transfer

Naturally, you can also instruct your bank for a periodic transfer.
For our administration it is convenient if you transfer your church contribution monthly, quarterly or annually.
Your church contribution can be transferred to IBAN account number
NL08 INGB 0001 0984 98  t.n.v. RK Parochie Sint Joris te Eindhoven
You can download the form, periodic donation here.


Action Kerkbalans

Every year in January the Actie Kerkbalans takes place to draw attention to the need for church contributions.


Discount arrangement for special celebrations ended

In the past, before the parish merger in 2012, a number of former parishes had a very diverse discount arrangement on fees for special celebrations such as a wedding celebration and a funeral.

This arrangement has been phased out over the past 10 years and will end as of 01-01-2023.

Rates St. George Parish Eind­hoven 2024


    Pastoral Center

    Sint Jorislaan 51,

    5614 AA Eindhoven

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