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For­ma­tion and deep­en­ing
"The church is God's people on the move"

In order to build a strong and powerful spiritual life, ongoing formation is needed. The parish always offers a basic package of formation in liturgy, family spirituality, etc. We as a parish consider it very important that we have the opportunity to learn more - we call this catechesis - about our faith as Catholics. In other words, learning to better understand the richness of our faith by increasing our knowledge. One should think of knowledge about the Bible, the liturgy - that is, about the meetings in the church - and about the daily life of the Christian.


Open Evenings

The Open Evening takes an important place. Every third Friday of the month a current topic within society and the church is discussed and usually by a guest speaker. There is always opportunity for mutual exchange and discussion. The meetings always take place at the pastoral center at 51 St. Jorislaan 51. In the news section on this site you will find the announcement of the next Open Evening. Come too!



Participants of the Alpha course get acquainted with the essentials of the Christian faith in 13 meetings. Each evening begins with a communal meal followed by an introduction. After that there is further discussion in groups. Click here for more information.



Being a Catholic, what is that anyway? In general, Christians, and certainly Catholics, know too little about their faith. Youcat changes that! Click here for more information.

Youcat Image2


Teen group (12 to 16 years old)

The teenagers basically meet every first Friday evening of the month in a small room at the Pius X church at the Kardinaal de Jongweg 71, Eindhoven. However, due to the corona situation, the evenings are provisionally held in the pastoral center at St. Jorislaan 51, Eindhoven, as there is more space available there. From 7:45 pm to 9:45 pm. A great opportunity to grow in friendship with God and with each other! Want to know more about the teen group? Then email for more information.


Youth group (from 16 years)

The young people meet in principle every last Sunday evening of the month in the pastoral center at St. Jorislaan 51 in Eindhoven. The evenings begin after the 6 p.m. mass. A great opportunity to hear more about the Catholic faith or deepen your faith and get to know other young people! On this page you can learn more about the youth group.


    Pastoral Center

    Sint Jorislaan 51,

    5614 AA Eindhoven

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