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Open House

The meeting room at St. Catharina Church is a welcoming living room for anyone who needs one. An Open House. You are welcome there every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The meeting room is located at the front left of St. Catharina Church. The way there is marked with arrows.

Logo Open Huis Sint Cathrien



The hosts and hostesses are happy to pour you a cup of coffee or tea and are open to good conversation. If you need more of a moment's rest or want to read the newspaper, that's just as well. There is no need for anything! The important thing is that you feel at home. The door is open Tuesday through Friday from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Between 12:15 and 12:45 the doors close for a moment of reflection.



On Tuesdays there is a story in the meeting room, on Thursdays there is a meditative celebration in the spirit of Taizé in the church and on Fridays there is a tidal celebration with (organ) music. Another way to gain inspiration is to visit the exhibitions in the church's ambulatory. In them, religious, diaconal and social topics are discussed.



Between 12:45 and 1:15 p.m., you can join other guests for a bread meal with fruit, in the winter months with hot soup. After the meal a basket goes around for a voluntary contribution.


Oecumenical initiative

The 'Open House St. Catharina' is an ecumenical initiative of the former Inner City Parish Eindhoven and the Protestant Municipality Eindhoven. In 2011 the Open House celebrated its 25th anniversary.



If you have any questions about the Open House, coordinator Loes Laurense would be happy to answer them. If you would like to join the volunteer team, contact her.



The Open House has its own website: You are welcome to continue reading there.


    Pastoral Center

    Sint Jorislaan 51,

    5614 AA Eindhoven

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