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Pri­va­cy State­ment
R.K. Parochie Sint Joris

This privacy statement tells you what personal data the parish processes and why it does so. You will also read in this statement what rights you have and where to go with questions.



A parish informs data subjects about what happens to their personal data. This is done in all cases where someone is included (for the first time) in the RC membership records. In the situations listed below, the privacy statement is provided by the parish (this can also be done digitally, for example via e-mail):

  • To parents of a baptized child when registering for the sacrament of Baptism;
  • To adults when registering admission to the catechumenate;
  • To the marriage candidate(s) if he or she is not registered in the membership records of the R.-K. Church;
  • To the candidate(s) of marriage if he or she is not registered in the membership records of the R.-K. Church.RC Church;
  • To contacts recorded in the next of kin and/or cemetery register (burial rights) if the contact person is not enrolled in the membership records of the RC Church.
  • To the volunteer, if the volunteer is not enrolled in the membership records of the RC Church.


  1. Name and contact information of the parish
    • Name: Parish of Saint George
    • Postal address: Sint Jorislaan 51, 5614 AA Eindhoven
    • Telephone number: 040-2110467
    • E-mail parish secretariat:
  2. What personal data are processed by the parish?
    • The membership records contain various personal data about parishioners and their household members (partner, children, if any), such as names and address information. In this document, parishioners are referred to as "data subjects."
    • The financial system contains certain financial data on church contributions.
    • The parish bulletin contains names and contact information for the pastors and various volunteers. It also contains photographs of parish activities in which individuals may be recognizable.
    • The website contains names and contact information of the pastors and volunteers. It also contains photographs of parish activities on which individuals may be recognizably portrayed.
    • Ecclesiastical records contain details of the sacraments (baptism, confirmation, marriage, ordination.) performed in one of the parish's church buildings.
    • Exactly what personal data is recorded can be found in more detail in Article 5 of the General Data Protection Regulations for Parishes 2018.
  4. With what purpose does the parish process personal data?
    • The parish records personal data in order to record in church registers which sacraments a person has received. In particular, by this we mean:
      • the records associated with receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Marriage and Consecration.
      • the records required by Church Law.
    • A parish is a community of parishioners, family of parishioners and people involved in the parish. The parish must keep records to ensure the organization of the parish community; by this we mean, for example:
      • recording your contact information to send out information and invitations about parish activities through communication channels and;
      • keeping volunteer assignments and a record of volunteers and;
      • keeping financial records related to church contributions, donations and gifts and other fundraising activities, as well as financial records related to grave rights and stipends.
    • A parish is a part of the Roman Catholic Church. As a parish, we are always connected to other Roman Catholic church institutions in the Netherlands. As a parish, we contribute to the maintenance and accuracy of the church membership records and archives.
    • A parish has a parish archive. For example, the parish archives hold the baptismal register. The parish may also keep personal data in the archives as a source for historical, statistical or scientific research. The parish does this only if it has an interest in the purpose of the archive.
  5. What authority does the parish have to process personal data?
    • The parish may process special personal data, such as religious beliefs, under the law (Article 9(2)(d) AVG).
    • Other personal data may be processed by the parish on the basis of the legitimate interest of the parish in:
      1. registering its parishioners, the family members of its parishioners and people who are not members of the parish, but who maintain contact with the parish.
      2. keeping volunteer records, financial records, conducting fundraising activities and maintaining church records;
    • The performance of a contract to which the individual is a party;
    • The fulfillment of a legal obligation of the civil (e.g., tax, social service, police or judicial) or ecclesiastical authorities;
    • The consent given by the data subject (e.g., by joining a work group as a volunteer or signing up as a subscriber to the parish magazine or meeting of the parish).
  6. Duration of retention
    • The parish retains personal information for as long as a data subject is registered as a member of the parish. If you are no longer a member of the parish, we will delete personal data from the parish membership records within one year.
    • The parish cannot delete personal data from church books (baptismal records, etc.) because it is important to keep track of who has received church sacraments.
    • The personal data stored in other files, such as, for example, the volunteer file, the file for the newsletter and/or parish magazine, or the registration of contacts in the cemetery records, will not be kept longer than necessary for the purpose of the file.
    • Sometimes we are unable to delete personal data because deleting it requires an exceptionally large amount of work on the part of the parish. Data that cannot be removed without unreasonable effort are, for example, personal data in printed issues of the parish magazine or information bulletin.
  8. Provision of personal data to third parties
    • Personal data are provided to (and largely originate from) church institutions that are part of the R.-K. Kerkgenootschap in Nederland. Examples are other parishes, the diocese, IPAL (the interdiocesan platform for financial and membership administrations).
    • If you have an agreement with the parish, for example, an employment contract or a donation agreement, then certain data must be provided to the Tax Office or another government agency based on a legal obligation.
    • The parish may use a payroll office. The parish may also use an outside party for some services, such as cemetery records management. In all of these cases, the parish makes arrangements with this third party for the security of your personal data in a processing agreement.
  9. Security of the personal data stored
    • Secure access to the membership administration system is limited to member administrators and members of the parish council. Other persons do not have access.
    • Secure access to the financial system is limited to the financial administrator(s) and parish board members. Other persons do not have access.
    • Volunteers may obtain files containing personal data to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties (e.g., distribution of the parish bulletin or implementation of the Church Appeal Campaign). They destroy these files as soon as they are no longer needed.
  10. Right of inspection and correction
    • Every parishioner has the right to inspect the personal data stored about him/her. To do so, you may submit a request, with identification, to the parish secretary. The contact information is listed at the top of this privacy notice.
    • If you find an error, you may report it to the parish secretariat.
  11. Deletion of data
    • A request to remove contact, financial or other general personal data can be directed to the parish secretariat. Contact information for the parish secretariat can be found at the top of the privacy notice. The member administrators or the members of the parish council will handle your request.
    • If you wish to deregister as a parishioner, we ask you to follow the applicable procedure for registration and deregistration R.-K. Church. Information about this procedure and the form for it can be found on the website Please send this form to the parish secretary. Contact information for the parish secretariat can be found at the top of this privacy notice. The member administrators of the parish or members of the parish council will handle your request.
  12. Complaint
    • Requests or complaints regarding the handling of personal data can be sent by the data subject to the parish council. Contact information can be found at the top of this privacy notice.
    • Affected person will be notified in writing of the outcome of the submitted request or complaint.
    • If the parish council does not honor the request or complaint or only partially honors the request or complaint, the data subject may, if desired, address a complaint regarding the dispute with the parish to the Personal Data Authority:

Authority Personal Data

T.a.v. the complaints coordinator

Postbus 93374



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    5614 AA Eindhoven

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