Open Evening
Knevel about Catholic - Protestant
Knevel about Catholic-Protestant

Andries Knevel is an evangelical Protestant, but has had a lot of contact with Catholics through his work as a presenter and producer for EO television.
For example, he made a series about the pope and is good friends with Antoine Bodar.
He will be speaking Friday evening, June 21, at our monthly Open Evening.
First of all about the differences between Catholics and Protestants and how they can complement each other. But more important, he says, is to stand together in our culture, which has been shot through in many areas. A joint counterbalance is urgently needed: to bring the ´good news´ that things can be done differently.
The lecture begins at 20:00 (walk-in with coffee from 19:45).
After the lecture, there will be an opportunity for questions, comments and discussion.
Vfrom 9:30 p.m. there will be an informal after-discussion with snacks and drinks.
Admission is free, registration is not required.
Location: Mariazaal, St. Jorislaan 51
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