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Outdoor Mass Marian Chapel Loostraat article image
5/2/20241 min read

Out­door Mass Mar­i­an Chapel Loos­t­raat

On May 5, an Open Air Mass will be held at the Maria Chapel on Loostraat.

On Sunday, May 5, at 11:00 a.m., the traditional open-air Mass will take place at the Maria Chapel on Loostraat. 

The St. Martin's Guild and St. Catherine's Guild will lend their assistance. After Holy Mass, they will pay homage to the guild.

Afterwards there will be coffee/tea and time for socializing. Vocal group Boerenmoeske will provide the musical accompaniment.

In the unlikely event of bad weather, the Eucharist will be moved to St. Martin's Church, beginning at 11.00.

The regular 9:30 a.m. Eucharist will be cancelled that day.

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