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8/29/20232 min read

Wel­come to the new site

Our parish has a new website!

Welcome to our New Website!

We welcome you to our brand new website. We are excited to welcome you here and take you on an exciting journey through all that we have to offer as a parish. Browse through our pages to learn more about our parish and activities.


Our new website was designed with the user in mind. Whether you are a loyal visitor or if this is your first introduction to the website, we hope that you will appreciate the user-friendliness and fresh look of our site.


This new website works great on all of today's devices: desktop/laptop, tablet and smartphone. There is a new modernized menu structure which may take some getting used to, but it is clearer and more logically structured than the old one. Furthermore, the website contains convenient forms.


A big improvement is that the live stream from St. George's Church of, among other things, the Eucharistic celebrations, is directly visible on the home page. So there is no more need to search for the YouTube channel. Of course, you can still find past broadcasts on the YouTube channel.


Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions, need more information or just want to talk to us. We are here to help. If you encounter technical errors, please let us know via this form, which can also be found at the bottom of each page.


We hope you enjoy your stay and come back more often. Thank you very much!

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Pastoral Center

Sint Jorislaan 51,

5614 AA Eindhoven

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